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Service with a Smile

By 02/18/2011May 17th, 2024No Comments

It’s a simple thing in customer service, but it is effective. It’s a smile.

Something so easily delivered and yet so meaningful can really go a long way when it comes to servicing your clients and customers. We encourage smile usage as many times a day as possible. It’s one of the things in business with which you really can’t go wrong. When you are speaking with clients, put on your smile – whether it’s on the phone or in person – you’d be surprised, but people can tell when you’re smiling, even over the phone!

A smile is contagious, and it is also a necessity. It’s a business enhancer. It is an emotional boost. It’s something you can give that the competition doesn’t always remember to give. Show those pearly whites. Regardless if you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, that smile will make you and your customer feel better. Use your business sense, and ALWAYS provide service with a smile.