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Corporate Meetings are an extremely critical piece of business. They are important for a company to have fluidity and cross-departmental communication. They are critical in brainstorming and idea generation not to mention the execution of strategy. These meetings are multipurpose. Meetings are a genuine way of sharing highly important communications and at the same time getting the necessary feedback that can make or break an organization. A meeting if coordinated and executed correctly can be a real boost of company morale and focus on corporate goals. A well ran meeting should not be the typical idea of a boring meeting just listening to one person talk and look at powerpoint slides. There may be time and place for a meeting of that sort, but honestly, in this day and age of fast communication, a video may be better.

Corporate Meetings consequently end up being where different parts of the business administration are talked about, the execution of the organizational strategy, the mission, and vision of the organization, the shortcomings of the organization, the obstacles and how to defeat them. Successful meetings include short introductions, structured presentation of information, and discussion. Great corporate meetings take time into consideration, and stay on point.

A well-conducted meeting is one that has everybody arrive on time, has an agenda, and has a leader making sure the agenda is followed as much as possible. Meandering around on side tangents is a sure way to kill a meeting and have everyone walk out wondering if anything was accomplished or learned. Everyone should receive a bulleted list of the agenda and in some instances, a timer may be necessary to make sure the meeting does not go over. There are two items that can help you to have a better meeting, a timer and a minute taker or video recording.

A timer may be the best way to keep those one or two people that do not express themselves succinctly from dominating the discussion. Respecting each other’s ideas in a meeting and truly discussing meeting topics can be the difference between a successful corporation one that implodes. A timer may be thought of as childish, but everyone has been in a meeting where the conversation was dominated by a few and most come out thinking the meeting was a waste of time and oxygen.

A minute taker is responsible for documenting the entire meeting and afterward sharing everything that was discussed along with necessary visual aides. In our modern world, the meeting can be videotaped and this video can be shared with members privately or within a corporate hierarchy. A special server can be set up for this type of video sharing and there are services that exist on the internet. Most videos can have transcripts produced either electronically or human transcription. Having this record of the meeting allows each attendant to know what ideas were discussed, what strategy was developed, who is responsible for what, etcetera, depending on what was being discussed.

Meetings do not have to be all drab. The can be off-site and consist of a huge main motivational meeting then break outs for the smaller groups. This is the specialty of Pedrotti’s Ranch Event Center. We’ve provided meeting space, meals, and entertainment for companies such as RBFCU, HEB, Valero, Nestle, and USAA. And while it’s nice to see huge companies utilizing our meeting space and services we can help companies from 50 members to 2000. You have access to Audio/Visual, Wifi, and huge rooms that can be sectionalized. With over 20 years helping companies with their corporate meetings you can be assured we can help you have a successful meeting.

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