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Rest & Relaxation

By 02/24/2011August 24th, 2023No Comments

The other day, as I hurried from one appointment to the next, I felt this strong throbbing in my head, it felt like a headache but it persisted when I stood up to walk around and then would subside when I sat. After a short session of self-diagnosing, I discovered that my headache may have been caused by something as simple as stress. With deadlines to meet and clients to please, our brains don’t realize that all this running around is doing a number on our bodies.

Encountering stress on a day-to-day basis can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system and speed up the aging process. How does one combat all this stress? We owe it to ourselves to take some time each day and just relax.

Set aside some time every day, or for some, every week to dedicate to relaxing. It doesn’t need to be anything that takes up too much time or expense, just take a little time for yourself. Spend just 15-20 minutes outside in the fresh air. Try not to think about anything that’s going on. Some find it easier to imagine a calming place like the beach or some other favorite vacation spot. Leave the office and go for a drive around your part of town.

When you get home, leave your work and obligations at the office and spend time with those who mean the most to you.

Chances are, you’re already a superman or woman, give yourself a break, even heroes need to relax.

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