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The Royal Treatment: San Antonio Wedding Style

By 04/28/2011February 28th, 2020No Comments

No matter where you turn this week, you’re not immune from hearing or seeing something about “The Royal Wedding” – uniting Prince William of Wales with longtime girlfriend, “commoner” Kate Middleton. You’re learning about their love story, the wedding arrangements, the guest list and proper etiquette. Even the groom’s cake recipe has been made public.

Why the interest on this side of the pond? It’s easy. Everyone loves a wedding, and many brides we work with don’t mind being “queen for a day.”

Even though our clients may not have royal blood, we still try to roll out the red carpet and give them the royal treatment when working to plan their event.

Here are some hints, based on an etiquette guide given out to guests invited to Will’s and Kate’s nuptials:

1. Don’t be late. In fact, be early for any appointments, tastings and walk-throughs.

2. Dress appropriately. Convey professionalism and respect for your clients. Wear business attire even if your clients might be in jeans and flip-flops.

3. Put the cell phone away and the office phone on “do not disturb.” Your focus should be solely on your client and their needs. The curtsey and bow rules are out (we are Americans after all), but there’s nothing wrong with an appropriate handshake to seal the deal.