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Thanks, Mom!

By 05/05/2011February 28th, 2020No Comments

Have you ever noticed that when an athlete or unsuspecting person is captured on TV, the response is usually a wave and “Hi, Mom!”?

Mother’s Day is this Sunday, and it is a big deal. Florists will be busy, the post office will be handling millions of greeting cards, phone lines will be buzzing, and children everywhere will be serving their moms breakfast in bed. Mom will love the burned toast and runny eggs – and won’t say a word about the mess in the kitchen.

I am so grateful for my Mom, Sue Pedrotti – who continues to be an inspiration to our family and all whose lives she touches. When you come to Pedrotti’s for a special occasion, your experience is memorable because of what Sue Pedrotti does. Ever behind the scenes, she is the one who makes sure everything is perfect – right down to washing and ironing the linens herself to make sure that every crease is correct.

Moms teach us valuable lessons that stay with us throughout our life. Moms are the conduits by which family traditions and values are passed from generation to generation. They give us our life and their influence stays with us for the rest of our years.

For all you have done and for all you do — thanks, Mom!