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Foe to Fan

By 09/23/2010February 28th, 2020No Comments

With a constant changing of wants and needs, 100 percent customer satisfaction is something that is incredibly hard to accomplish. There is always something a customer can find wrong with a prodcut or service. It is in our mindset as humans to always pick out the imperfections. We are constantly on the lookout to report things that are going wrong – rather than right.

Do not let this fact deter you or your employees from trying to make a foe into a fan of your company – and doing everything in your power to master the art of brilliant customer service.

Customers are commonly dissatisfied not specifically with price or product, but by a past experience that has given them a reason to nitpick. Many “difficult” customers become that way because of previous occurrences, which may not have even been your company’s fault to begin with. However, we do know that whether it was your fault or not, they will find a place for the blame. Here are a few tips to better help you turn that foe into a fan:

Take Charge of the Situation – It is easy to get trapped when a customer has complaints, but take a deep breath and stay calm. When customers find reasons to complain, this is a sign that they want and need to be heard. If you stay calm and let them voice themselves, they will respect that you took the time to listen and address any  issues – and that you remained composed throughout the process. Give them a reason to cheer rather than jeer. Make them a fan.

Importance – Every customer wants to be tended to and know they are important – because after all, they are important. Following up with customers who feel they have been wronged is a professional and effective way to turn that befuddled customer into a happy customer. There are a number of companies and services who do not make their customers and clients feel important. Dare to be different and cater to the importance of each consumer. They are the essence of your company’s well-being.

Give More to Get More – Giving a customer more than they paid for is often a good strategy to transition a one-time customer into repeat customer and cheerleaders for your company. Customers are accustomed to getting what they paid for, so if you give them more than what they paid for you will see a world of difference in the customers who keep coming back for more.

Making the shift from foe to fan really revolves around the basics of listening and paying attention to the details. Make all the positive difference you can for everyone that walks through your door. You are sure to see those faces coming back for better experiences time and time again.