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Are you making a change?

By 01/07/2011February 28th, 2020No Comments

We recently polled some folks on our Facebook page about their new year’s resolutions. What did we hear back? The typical answers – eat better, lose weight, save money. These are all great resolutions and great goals, no doubt.

But we all know that the gym is packed to the brim for the month of January, and seemingly, the crowds fizzle to the norm by mid- to late February. While these are resolutions are personal resolutions, they can be applied to the thought of professional resolutions, as well.

Here’s a thought – rather than make resolutions that are seemingly made to be broken – why not make lifestyle changes?

Many years ago, Mahatma Gandhi told us what we need to do, “Be the change we wish to see in the world.”

Though Gandhi’s quote has been quoted to the point of becoming a cliché, it is something that should be implemented in our lives on a daily basis, both personal and professional. From a hospitality purview, we must adapt and make changes daily, literally.

So, what is the change we want to see?

Well, in the realm of hospitality, we want to change each event to be tailored to each of our clients’ interests and desires. We want to change any problem we see during an event and turn it into a solution. We strive to change the negative and turn it into a positive.

We want to change any poor experiences that someone may have had with a past vendor or venue and provide the most optimal service and experience. It is our goal to change the wrong to right, the bad to good, and the unsightly to beautiful – because our ultimate endeavor is to please every client, customer and guest that graces our presence.

Change is constant. It’s not a resolution you make once a year, especially in business. It is making adjustments, learning from failures, correcting mistakes, creating progressive paths and fine-tuning the smallest details to ensure that the change is leading to greater things and constant success.

So instead of a resolution this year, how about a change?

 (And a sidenote to our Facebook respondents, this in no way takes away from your noted resolutions. We are absolutely cheering for your success and hope that you can make the changes you need to succeed with your goals in mind! Go get ‘em!)

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