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Let Humility Reside

By 12/17/2010February 28th, 2020No Comments

Being humble is not always an easy task. It is natural to discuss what is going on in our lives, our businesses, our progressions and our accomplishments. It also seems innate to speak of the things that go wrong and to complain when things aren’t going exactly the way we wish.

For this reason, and many others, it is important to let humility to reside within us. I’ll speak specifically from a business perspective – when times are tough, it’s easy to gripe; when times are great, it’s easy to boast. That being said, in tough times, the best thing to do is press on and persevere. Take responsibility for what needs to be done, and do it. Work hard, do everything you can to improve and help others around you grow. Find the elements of the business you can change and develop creative ways to change them. You CAN make things happen, so put on a perseverant face and forge ahead. Don’t blame others, and don’t spend time finding faults. Take action, work hard and push through the tough times.

When things are going swimmingly with your business, it’s easy to want to shout it from the rooftops. And we all love to share good news! I am not suggesting that we should not showcase accomplishments, but it is important to remember to keep a humble mentality. Remember that you are where you are because of the people around you, the sacrifices that have been made for you, the parents or grandparents who have raised you – the reasons are truly endless.

Use the good times to take note of what went right and what you can continue to do to make the path ahead even greater. But rather than spending your time boasting about your accomplishments, instead spend it thanking those who helped you to achieve – your staff, your spouse, your friends, your customers. In your accomplishments, be happy and celebrate, but also be grateful, show your thanks and use your successes to make you work that much harder.

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