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The 2011 Blueprint: Organizing Your Objectives

By 01/28/2011February 28th, 2020No Comments

The beginning of the year brings forth a spirit of plans, goals and strategies. Organization is the first key to aligning yourself and your work with the year ahead. Organizing can be simply defined as managing processes that provide structure and composition for following your plans and meeting your goals.

Organization makes the way smoother for seamless operation and success of a business. The things to remember, whether you are organizing your personal or professional life are objectives, tactics and execution. Make a blueprint, develop creative ideas, and go for it!


In order to determine your objectives, you must set goals for yourself. Ensure that they are measurable and feasible. Set your sights high, but don’t set them so high that there is no way you will meet them. It is useful to classify overall objectives into immediate, short-term and long-term objectives. Figure out what you need to do first, then what you need to do in the next three months, and finally, what you must accomplish within the year to achieve your goals.

Organize this data – chronologically and by necessity. Write it down, type it up – make it very clear to your team, staff or family that these are the objectives that need to be met. Review your objectives on a regular basis to make sure everyone stays on target. Read them aloud and make sure each person working to achieve those goals with you has them nearby at all times. Keeping objectives in mind allows you to always make sure your eye is on the prize.


Devise tactics that will work as the plan to meet your objectives. Be willing to review them on a consistent basis. If they aren’t working, DON’T BE AFRAID to change them. Change, especially with tactics, is a good thing, particularly if it puts you on a better track to success.

Assign these tactics to the individuals that best inhibit the potential and talents to use them. And coach your team on the tactical process. Don’t just throw the tactics out there – brainstorm, discuss and understand the processes before saying, “Go!”


Be sure you have the plans and back-up plans set in place before you execute. Two of the most important things in regard to execution are preparation and motivation. Think of it regard to sports – your team must have the game plan and be prepared for the opponent. They must also be motivated to play hard and do what it takes to win. Employ your staff to work as a team, use each other’s talents and play with an inspiration that will lead them to be the best.

As William Foster once said, “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”

Here’s to organizing 2011 and reaching the goals that are laid out ahead of you!

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