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The Importance of Giving

By 11/16/2011August 24th, 2023No Comments

When we’re young, we all we’re taught to share. We shared our toys, markers, little brothers, etc. But what about giving? The holiday season should serve as a reminder of just how fortunate we are and how much we can give to others. When you learn the importance of giving, your life will be changed forever. Here are just a few reasons why giving is so important.

–          You’re making a difference in someone’s life

First and foremost, you’re showing someone or something that you care and that their needs are important to you. Whether you’re volunteering at an animal hospital, cleaning up a park or giving your time to a nursing home, you’re leaving that area better than you found it. Time is an easy thing to spend on a person or place in need.

–          When you give,  you inspire others to give

Have you ever watched someone give or had someone give to you and you immediately felt the need to pass on that same charity? That’s the idea behind “paying it forward.” The best way to get others on their feet and helping their community is to show them how it’s done.

–          It just feels good

Lastly, giving to others just plain feels good. The sense of accomplishment and the feeling one gets after helping others is indescribable. It’s a good feeling putting another’s needs before your own, and it’s something that you can’t buy at a department store on Black Friday.

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