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The Steps to Planning an Event

By 09/22/2011February 28th, 2020No Comments

There’s no better feeling than crossing something off of your to do list, but as the old saying goes, “Life is a journey, not a destination.” One of my favorite parts of hosting events in San Antonio is seeing an idea on paper brought to life through teamwork and careful planning.

It all starting with planning – Sit your team down and discuss the bare bones of your event. A good start would be to answer the who, what, when, where and why of your event in the planning stage. Don’t think about specifics so much because that part will come later. I recommend using a brainstorming technique where all members of the group contribute ideas. Be sure not to exclude any ideas.

Next thing to think about is logistics. Can the event take place with the time limit and budget given? Logistics is a good time to start crossing off items that require more resources than what are available. During logistics, a team should also think about the number of attendees. (We suggest over-estimating on the amount of guests you have, nothing is worse than running out of food or supplies!)

After the logistics are set, time to organize! Take all of the information you’ve brainstormed and the ideas that have passed the logistics test should be plugged into a timeline. Organizing your event will help ensure you don’t forget anything. After you’ve organized you event, you should know what will be needed for each activity throughout the night.

All that’s left now is to execute the event. This is when all of your careful planning and organizing pays off. Make sure you stick with your plan, keeping your event on time will not only ensure it ends on time, but your guests will appreciate the easy flow of the party. Your job as a host doesn’t end as soon as the party begins. You’re allowed to have fun, but always keep in mind food refills, new guests and the overall energy of your event.

After it’s all over, be sure to look at what worked and what didn’t for the next time you host. We hope that these simple event planning tips will help you to become the host or hostess you’ve always wanted to be!

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